CLASS : 11-14C
NIM : 2007110533
Segmentation :
• Age : 17-30
• Sex : Unisex
• Religion : All Religion
• Social Grade : A-B
• Geodemographic : In The Big City
• Marital Status : Bachelor
• Job : Young Executive,director to large firms
Targeting : Targeting giordano to people that confident, active, comfortable,with casual trendy fashion style.
Positioning : To people which having high mobilization needed casual custume with good quality and trendy. Value for Money where’s the customers services which is professional with shopping experience which comfortable, satisfying customers in the our locations.
Segmentation :
• Age : 17-26 years old
• Sex : Female
• Religion : All Religion
• Social Grade : A-B
• Marital Status : Single
• Job : Manager,supervisor etc.
• Geodemographic : In the Big City
Targeting : Target Market to Giordano Ladies just special to Young Woman or women career like to emphasize quality and services with satisfying and fashionable always up to date.
Positioning : Value for Money where’s the customers services which is professional with shopping experience which comfortable, satisfying customers in the our locations.
STP for Giordano Kids
• Age : 5-15 years
• Sex : unisex
• Religion : All Religion
• Social Grade : B
• Marital Status : Single
• Job : Student of Primary school and secondary school
• Geodemographic : In the Big City
Targeting : A target market special to all children who’s like sporty and was know about fashion and to perform with trendy.
Positioning : A casual T-Shirt trendy and fashionable
I was research to STP Giordano in Indonesia at Plaza Semanggi,Kelapa Gading Mall and Grand Indonesia Giordano outlets. For Giordano casual was there in Plaza Semanggi and Kelapa Gading Mall and this mall only just for Giordano Casual and kids. Why like this? I think as u know plaza semanggi and Kelapa Gading Mall is more segmented to young adults dinamise, like shopping with price low or middle not to expensive and place for Hanging Out with friends.
This a STP (Segmentation,Targeting,Positioning) for GIORDANO and sister’s Brand from Giordano. Giordano is name of brand with good services and Quality in Asia Areas. Giordano was having many outles in Asia and for the new outlet in Eropa and America like in US 1 outlet new and in Canada has 2 outlet new. So until now Giordano still have many consumers and the product can accepted in the world.
I was doing research in 3 big mall in Jakarta, that Giordano have differences for the poduct, Giordano always match with target market in the mall or plaza. Like for Giordano Kids and Concept, their have different outlet. For Giordano Concept their lay the product in Big Mall or Plaza, like Grand Indonesia. We was knew that Grand Indonesia is big plaza and their target market to level A, so to price all product Giordano is very expensive.
Giordano was do a good strategy, it can make giordano famous in Asia,America and Eropa. It’s was success with some factors is Value Pricing, Giordano copy from Marks and spencer it was succed to do this. Therefore,Giordano also want to follow try lucky with using this strategies too. Value Pricing is Price to match with quality and quantity the product. In order that the result can be balanced with product offering. That’s why Giordano very interest in Young Executive.
Accurating second factors success from Giordano, Giordano is one of retailer in asia which very carefull knows about desire from their consumers, where’s their look and research every fashion mode in develop every year. And more looking what can make interest market. Every their want to enter in the country as new market or open the new outlet. It’s like their analysis from range age and the needed from all their consumers. And their still keep the eksistention for field fashion and good services in same to all outlet Giordano every country.
Technology and Computeritation in this time technology modern can make easy to all business man to do their work. Like Giordano very important to technology computerisation to checking the product from one outlet to another outlet to make a report with quickly and then can connecting between outlet Giordano in the other contry. So that, can be communication with quickly and accurate. Giordano also using inventory control to analysis trend market always real time. Like all item sold out, information barcode which identifying size, colour, style and the price to note down with point of sale and also transmitted to important computer this company. And until now, every day information compilationted for the level outlet and sending to department of selling and to the distribution of centre information selling which is the compilation to the next outlet order.
Management inventory Giordano bringing to inventory ramping to exist from fast moving items. Giordano to effort minimize the probably slow moving items to pale in warehouse and the popular items can be sold out. Not having stock that needed integrated which hard between purchasing department and selling department.
That is the three factors was done with Giordano was help Giordano can be a success retailes in the world. Giordano established in 1981. Giordano is one of the most well known and established apparel retailers in the Asia Pacific Region. Employing over 11.000 friendly staff with over 1.800 shop operating in territories worldwide.
Vision of Giordano is : to be best and the biggest world brand in apparel retailing and the Mission of Giordano is: to make people feel good and look great.
The oulets Giordano in the world was there in Canada 1 outlet new opening, Middle East 147 outlets, Myanmar 23 outlets, US 2 outlets, Carribean 9 outlets, India 6 outlets, Singapore 55, Australia 58, Mainland China 827, South Korea 175, japan 15, Hongkong 88, Taiwan 250, Philipine 42, Vietnam 8, Indonesia 94, Brunei 3 Malaysia 63 outlets.
Giordano was committed to being a successful and responsible corporate citizen. This means that we are committed not only to delivering quality products and services to our customers and strong and sustained financial performance to our shareholders, but that we are also committed to creating a positive impact in the communities where we conduct business we aim to achieve this by amongst others,supporting charitable. Organizations and causes by ensuring that the workers producing our products are treated with fairness and respect and at all times achieving our goals through environmentally, friendly means.
Our social responsibility statement is a simple and concise statement of our values intentions and expectations. The statement serves as the foundation for us monitor improve on our performance in the light of changes in local laws and regulations trade practices and our risk assessment.
Why does GAP,Esprit,and Theme?
Because GAP, Esprit and Theme are the direct competitors from Giordano GAP, Esprit and Theme as the same of brand label which are take the market for the circle of middle economics and high economics and in the segment of “value for money” the action of tight competition between them, started from competition of style clothes or the products which are their bargain up till for service activities which are their bargain and surely it self price which are become main competition.
For example in the last time Theme International Holdings Limited was brand label which was servicing a cleft clothes business of woman, high quality and fashionable and now it have tried to wide for casual clothes, so that Theme becomes direct competitors for sister brand Giordano that is Giordano Ladies.
However, Giordano it self more amount for about Asia Market than in the European. While the main market of esprit are in European. Although Giordano possess competitors which have same positioning, with Giordano and also there are promotion and advertisement which are very same for the Giordano. However, Giordano can still clear differently it self from the other competitors with high quality of service and cost leadership. It adds big customer values for it’s customers and special quality competitive which nothing from competitors succeeding to competed with on this time.
VI. “GOOD AFTERNOON GIORDANO “ Do you think that is necessary?
I think yes it’s very necessary why? Because it’s some greeting to welcome the customers while he or she come and entry the outlet Giordano every where Giordano outlet. What are they doing that? Because as we know that Giordano is the biggest for retailer in Asia which very to emphasize service and comfortable which balancing with quality and quantities that’s giving from Giordano.
Their consider that consumers is a King, where’s must be honoured and it’s like the positioning from Giordano is their not only to serve the product but also services. And always emphasize consumers in order that the consumers can be satisfying and keep using or buying our products.
Definitely, Giordano management must adapt for their strategy, when they want enter Giordano likes their management must analyze the market which will enter Giordano like using STEEPLE. Using STEEPLE is the first way to enter that state. Likes see sociality and culture, we must see national society which are we enter it, likes languages whose use it in the state, in order to we aren’t wrong for entering new market, then see from the cultures of that state, it’s family relations or lifestyle which valid in that state. Technology and product innovation at this moment is very fast to growth for each state and also we must keeping eyes the economic and market conditions in that state, how are the growth of economic and what are the market like it. Education, training, and Employment, we must also analyze how about part of education and jobs in the state whose will entered by us, then it’s political, how the series between citizen of country and their government, move to right place or not, legal law which valid in that state, in order to we aren’t wrong, if it will have a law problem and the last in Environmental protection in that state, is that environment good or not, see from the air, good water or not.
That is the way which must do Giordano to enter in the Global Market, in order to not be wrong perception and can adaption it’s product with condition which are there in the state.
VIII. RECOMMENDATIONS to GIORDANO in order to maintain their position
Just to advice to Giordano actually Giordano was doing well special for product and services. But better than if Giordano open the new outlet in places for level middle class. Like we knows that Giordano was famous for high class with the target market from Giordano for social grade A level. So that, Giordano can using not only to high class but also in the middle class can using the product Giordano too. Because Giordano was having good products and services. Eventhough range for the price is expensive, special for middle class Giordano must be compared. Never make differences about quality the products.
Giordano must keeping the image and positioning in public and must take care bout the reputation. And must still increasing the services and quality. Added type clothes, casual T-Shirt,trousers, jacket, sweater, tank top and etc. increasing the brightness colours. Decoration for the outlet must be change and make it will interesting if everyone coming.
XI. Do You Think That Giordano Have To do REPOSITIONING if they want to enter new market?
I think it a must to repositioning than before, why? Because I think of we want to enter the new market, we must to research how about the situation in the new market, maybe we can using STEEPLE and 7 ps just to analyze the market situation. We must changing the 7 ps was there. after that we adapt again the new strategy and compare the new product, price, place, promotions, physical evidence, people, product and services. Not only analyze the situation but also how the way to make balance the positioning in the new market with other their competitors.Giordano was knows what the needed with our consumers. Giordano always following all they consumers and trend. Products and services, like all the people was know is Giordano always to emphasize good service and products, and also for the quality and quantity is better. These the way and the new strategy if we want to enter the new market.
Good Quality
Giordano has a good quality of their product. This is support the strength of Giordano. Customers will be preferring product with good quality.
Giordano give the best service
Giordano said that make customer feel comfort in Giordano is the most important thing. Giordano always give smile to customers and consumers could try everything in Giordano, with best service customers will believe with Giordano.
Giordano having many customers and consumers because Giordano supply the products with very kind type, from to children until adult people.
Few Variantions in their product, Giordano always provide casual clothes and Giordano doesn’t like to see the fashion that available now. Colours too soft, actually for the colours must be more brightness, in order that can make customers more interesting to coming and bought the our products.
Giordano could open new store to encourage their profit
Giordano not a new market in their market so Giordano can open new store to increase their profit. If they want to open new storebthey have to select a good place
Giordano has a chance to be a market leader
In their market, Giordano has a chance to be a market leader because of the system of their market.
There are so many competitors in their business. Now a days there are so many companies that open in the textile manufacturer, this is impact to Giordano as senior manufacturer, this could “menggeser” Giordano to be market leader.
What are the differences tactis and strategies took by Giordano in Indonesia compare to other markets?
Surely,their using differences tactis and strategies, because as we know, between Giordano in Indonesia and other country. Like was explained between tactics and strategies both the country must be match with using STEEPLE. Management Giordano must can be situation analyze was were every country.
Usually their only using name of the brand or buying name of brand it, but to tactic or strategy of selling is very different one and other. Like not only for services but also the products, usually different kind eventhough still using same name of the brand. So between Giordano in Indonesia and Giordano with other country is very different to all.
Physical Evidence, We was know for logo from Giordano is a good, decorations of the store is very simple , soft and minimize. To all sales promotion girls and boys using polo shirt and the costume is very simple and casual.
People, people in the behind succed of Giordano and also supported by trust peoples having supplier that was good warranty from the quality until the desaign.
Promotion, for the promotion Giordano was doing by advertising, with using electronic media or internet and the print media by magazine. And sometimes Giordano using sales promotion with give a discount or give the guarantee for the products and services for example free to repair the button.
For the products and services, Giordano is number one. Coz same with their positioning that Giordano is emphasize good service and quality from their product. It’s was make Giordano was be leader for the retailer in asia.
And the Place Giordano was there at mall, outlet and sogo it just to Giordano casual.if for the Giordano concept in Jakarta just having in Grand Indonesia and want to open in Plaza Senayan, why like this? Because to Giordano concept their selling thje product special to Social Grade A-B level.
Price for Giordano, to Giordano concept the range of the price from @350.000-1.500.000 to all items. If to Giordano casual from 173.000-500.000. the price was be macth with the quality and tax from the place. Because Giordano product was be there at mall and plaza high class.
The products Giordano was having many kind items, from assesories until all the needed with their customers and consumers. At least, all was completed.
Name of product Giordano Men Price
Sweater range @ 300.000
Casual T-shirt 199.000- 245.000
Jeans 290.000- 400.000
Trousers 250.000- 355.000
Jacket 300.000-500.000
Polo Shirt 350.000
Belt 170.000-250.000
Socks 90.000
Umbrella 100.000
Short Pants 255.000- 300.000
Shoes 500.000- 1.000.000
Bags 500.000-1.200.000
The Product Ladies and Kids PRICE
Casual T-shirt 110.000- 250.000
Skirt 170.000-280.000
Polo shirt 350.000
Trousers 250.000- 330.000
Sweater 250.000- 300.000
Jacket 300.000-550.000
Umbrella 100.000
Belt 150.000-255.000
Socks 90.000
Tank top 173.000-250.000
Short Pants 183.000 -275.000
Shoes 300.000-690.000
Bags 350.000- 700.000
All assesories 90.000- 330.000
Kamis, 01 April 2010
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